Journeying with Joshua:
Reflections on Raising an
Autistic Child For Parents, Teachers and Friends
by Dr. Lois N. Spitzer
You have just been told you child is autistic.
Who can you turn to? Who can give you advice?
Lois Spitzer began to suspect that her son, Joshua, was
autistic around the time he was two years old. This life changing discovery
cast her on a journey in which fears, hopes, joys and sorrows became daily
companions. Having a child with autism is not the end of the world. It is the
start of a journey replete with surprises and incredible delights.
In this collection of reflections, you’ll learn how one family helped
their special son grow and overcome challenges by enlisting a bevy of friends,
teachers and other very special people and organizations.
Dr. Lois N.
Spitzer is a linguist who earned her Doctorate of Education in Applied
Psycholinguistics from Boston University. She is currently a high school
English as a Second Language teacher in New Jersey, where she lives with her
husband Lee, son Joshua, daughter Larisa, and Peanut - the family’s beagle.
Dr. Lois Spitzer is available to
speak to your parents, teachers or church group. To write to Dr. Lois Spitzer,
send your e-mail to LNSOnline@comcast.net.
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Web Sites Offering
Information about Autism
These are some major Websites with information on autism. You
can find more links by doing a keyword search on autism.
1. Autism Society of America
Information to help people understand autism, resources for families with
autistic children, and directory of local chapters nationwide.
2. Autistics.org
Resources by and for persons on the autistic spectrum. Includes information
library, discussion forums, and directory of Web links.
3. NIMH: Autism
Explains the brain disorder that affects a person's ability to communicate and
form relationships with others.
4. CDC: Autism Information Center
Describes autism spectrum disorders and federal and state research projects.
Also provides links to resources for families and researchers.
5. Autism Web
Parents' guide to the diagnosis, treatment, and education of children with
autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder.
6. Cure Autism Now (CAN)
Nonprofit organization of parents, clinicians, and scientists dedicated to
finding effective biological treatments, prevention, and a cure for autism and
related disorders.
7. Center for the Study of Autism
Disseminates information about autism for parents and professionals and conducts
research on the efficacy of various therapeutic interventions.
8. Autism Research Institute
Researches the causes of autism as well as methods of preventing, diagnosing,
and treating it and other severe behavioral disorders of childhood.
9. Autism Resources
Resources on autism and Asperger Syndrome including advice to parents who
discover their child is autistic, recommended books, links, and answers to
frequently asked questions.
10. Autism-PDD Resources Network
Support information including parents' guides to diagnosis and testing,
treatment options, and special education as well as resources for adults with
11. Future Horizons
A publishing company that exclusively dedicates its disability division to books
on Autism/PDD.
12. National Alliance for Autism Research - NAAR
National nonprofit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to finding the causes,
prevention, effective treatment and, ultimately, cure of the autism spectrum
13. Families for Early Autism Treatment (FEAT)
Nonprofit organization of parents, educators, and professionals committed to
education, advocacy, and support of the Northern California autism community.
14. Center for the Study of Autism
15. Cure Autism Now (CAN)
A non-profit organization of parents, clinicians and scientists dedicated to
finding effective biological treatments, prevention and a cure for autism.
16. Society for the Autistically Handicapped (SFTAH)
Their main goal is to improve the quality of life for persons with autism,
giving them a chance to take their rightful place within their local community.