Spiritual Journey Press


Welcome to Spiritual Journey Press - let's explore our journeys together!

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Our spiritual lives are a precious gift from God - and they are meant to be exciting and fulfilling!  

When we appreciate, embrace and live out our spiritual journeys in response to God's call, we not only gain wisdom and insight, but we can also be a blessing to other people.

Spiritual Journey Press offers books, e-books, retreats and seminars to help you and your organization grasp the endless possibilities that God places before all of us.  Whether you are seeking personal spiritual guidance or strategic planning for your church or organization, this is the website for you!

Spiritual Journey Press is a spiritual direction outreach founded by Rev. Dr. Lee B. Spitzer, creator of the Endless Possibilities model of spirituality.  Dr. Spitzer currently serves several organizations in his very active retirement, including acting as the volunteer Historian for the Baptist World Alliance, teaching on the doctoral level for Northern Seminary as an Affiliate Professor of Church History, and working to create a new global movement of Jewish disciples of Jesus, known as Yachad BeYeshua.

Dr. Spitzer has authored two books published Judson Press: Making Friends, Making Disciples (2010) and Baptists, Jews, and the Holocaust (2017).

Dr. Spitzer has devoted his life to promoting the health and faithfulness of the church. As an American Baptist Churches USA ordained pastor, he has served First Baptist Church East providence RI, Seaview Baptist Church Linwood NJ, and First Baptist Church Lincoln NE. He was called to serve as the Executive Minister and Senior Regional Pastor of the American Baptist Churches of New Jersey, and the served nationally as the General Secretary of the American Baptist Churches USA. 

Selected other writers also have published their works through Spiritual Journey Press.  Dr. Spitzer's books can be purchased through Amazon.com.